Did you know that REALTORS® work strictly on commission and only get paid upon the successful sale of a home? As a buyer’s agent, I must have what is called procuring cause in order to be paid for my time and services. Procuring cause is defined as when a broker’s (agent’s) efforts are the foundation on which… Read more »
Ever Thought About Keeping A Work Journal?
I know it sounds a little crazy at first, but you spend so much of your life working, why wouldn’t you journal about it? There’s so much to say, reflect on and learn about your work life/self. If you’re a business owner or decision maker think about what a useful tool this can be. Looking… Read more »
What every business owner should have
Starting a business can be both scary and exciting! At a young age, I knew that I wanted to have my own business and a lot of my childhood was spent planning how that was going to happen. Many people tried to talk me out of owning a business because they wanted a stable environment… Read more »
Model Homes
When most people are off the clock, the last thing they want to do is the same thing they do from 9-5 (or their work hours) at their job. However, I LOVE looking at properties!! So, on my off time I load my family up in the car and we look at different neighborhoods both… Read more »
Owner of Desert Heritage
The Desert Heritage News blog has been live for quite some time however it’s not often we update the blog because I wasn’t really sure about the blogging rules and etiquette. The more I research I realize it’s an opportunity to share helpful tips, insights and other thoughts that may come to mind to share… Read more »
Cats, birds, a 3 legged Coyote and a Devoted Caretaker of all Things Helpless.
As some of you may know, the Desert Heritage Real Estate office is located in a busy location off the Loop 101 and Thunderbird Road, and bordered by a dry wash that runs along the myriad of businesses in the vicinity. It serves as residence to a vast population of wildlife. We’ve spotted a very… Read more »
Tip from White Glove Home Inspections
Ceiling fans are not a necessity, but can be useful in circulating air throughout a room. While a ceiling fan will not actually reduce the temperature, in summer, circulated air can make a room feel five to seven degrees cooler. In winter, a ceiling fan will force warm air downwards and make a room feel… Read more »
Now Is the Time…and We’re Here to Help You Get There
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain Tragedy has struck twice this week that has put… Read more »
In the Spotlight: Jim Passamonte, Primary Residential Mortgage
This year, Desert Heritage Real Estate launched a unique business association with several industry leaders with its Affiliate Partner Program (APP). This program was designed to bring together our agents with people who are closely related to real estate, and that are knowledgeable, trustworthy and reliable. In the Spotlight: Jim Passamonte, Primary Residential… Read more »
Dream a Little Dream
Work, play, laugh, cry, laugh again and work some more. That’s a typical week at the Desert Heritage office. We are so lucky to have such a fun, caring and supportive staff that you can share your genuine self with…and they love you for it. One morning, it seemed like everyone came in just a… Read more »